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IR(R) Instrument Rating

All in price full course cost for the IR(R) is £3140 at current prices. Further information below.

The Instrument Restricted Rating IR(R) also known as the IMC rating allows you to fly in cloud in UK airspace. It also allows you to fly instrument approaches to minima in a visibility of 1500 metres.

Its widely regarded that it improves flying skills, increases safety and is an excellent cost effective stepping stone to obtaining the full Instrument Rating.

The training requires a minimum of 15 hours flying time of which 10 hours is by sole reference to instruments. There is one written exam to pass plus a skills test where you will have to demonstrate the required level of competence.

Typically you will be booked training sessions in 2 hours blocks, for which you will fly for approximately one hour. You only pay for the time spent in the aircraft, your pre and post-flight briefings with your instructor are free. You can fly as often as you like but we recommend that you should aim to fly at least once a week.

The training is undertaken in our Cessna 150’s all of which are fully IFR equipped.


The full course cost for the IR(R) is ‘pay as you go’ but equates to £3575.00 at current prices.

- 15 hours aircraft hire (15*160 pounds per hour) £2400.00

- 15 hours flying instructor (15*45 pounds per hour) £675.00

- 1 written exam £45.00

- 12 months membership £50.00

Please note there are no additional charges for landing fees or touch and go fees as part of this course.

Prices quoted do not include any additional flying hours or exam resits if required. Neither do they cover any costs for any books or instrument approach fees which cost approximately 15 pounds per approach.

Practical examinations are not covered and the cost for those is as follow follows

Skills test:

Following completion of the IR(R) course a flight test covering all skills gained during training, including the flying of instrument approaches. The cost for this skill test is 305 pounds.


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